
FREEZE YOUR FAT AWAY – Cryolipolysis

Fat is the worst life companion in the entire world – it’s stubborn, it’s clingy, and it doesn’t listen to you when you say it’s time to part ways. But just because body fat has a way of sticking around, that doesn’t mean you have to accept it and learn to live with disappointing body confidence. Modern science has given you many options to reduce the amount of fat on your body so you can achieve all of your body goals. At Lumina Aesthetics Clinic, we know that revolutionary Cryolipolysis cost belly fat reduction treatments are one of the best solutions around!

Does Cryolipolysis Work on Belly Fat?

Yes. Cryolipolysis was originally designed to be used to reduce belly fat, which is why one of the most common areas for treatment is the abdomen. Scientific studies suggest that accumulating belly fat on the body is associated with an increased risk of certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. With that in mind, getting control over your belly fat is not only beneficial to your overall body confidence, but also for protecting your health.

While Cryolipolysis is primarily used on the stomach, it can also be used on various other areas of the body, including:

  • Chin
  • Underarms
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Inner & Outer Thighs
  • Hips

The non-surgical solution to eliminating fat, Lumina’s Cryolipolysis treatments are non-invasive, safe, and effective in assisting you on your journey to weight loss. Using a targeted cooling system, the fat cells and adipose tissue beneath the skin are frozen. The body then expels the dead adipocyte through the lymphatic system. This treatment is ideal to target stubborn fat, mainly on the upper arms, back, abdomen, waist, and thighs, assisting in the reshaping of the body. The cooling design also reduces pain and makes for a comfortable treatment. The overarching aim of cryolipolysis, combined with an advised diet and exercise plan, is to improve the long-term physical and mental wellbeing of our clients.

When you first attend your consultation, Lumina’s doctor will go through your medical history and help you decide on realistic, measurable goals pertaining to your weight loss. The areas you wish to target will be assessed and measured and you will be advised on the best course of treatment. We will take photos of the desired areas for your records. You may be offered advice regarding dietary requirements that will support a healthy and long-lasting weight-loss program.

What does the treatment consist of?

A specialist gel pad will be applied to the treatment area to protect the skin. An applicator will be placed on top of the gel pad and the excess fat will be pulled into the device and held in place. There may be a sharp sucking sensation which can be alarming, however this is not painful and is completely safe. You will need to remain on the treatment bed for up to 1 hour as the applicator cools and holds the excess fat. After this time, the applicator will be removed, and the practitioner may massage the area with oil to warm and settle it.

Generally, treatment can take up to 1 hour for a single area. However, more than one applicator can be used at a time, i.e., on flanks, arms, or thighs. We do advise clients to leave sufficient time for their treatments when doing multiple areas, to allow for secondary consultation, measuring and breaks between treatment. In some cases, full body transformations, combining cryolipolysis with cavitation and treatment on multiple areas can take up to 4 hours.

There is no required down time, however, we do advise clients to remain as active as possible throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water is also essential. When your treatment is complete you can leave the clinic and continue your day as normal. In order to monitor your progress and support you on your weight loss journey, we invite all clients to attend a treatment review 3 months after treatment, to remeasure the area and take after-photos.

Is the treatment painful?

As the applicator pulls the fat into place, you may experience some pulling and tugging. Any discomfort should quickly subside as the area is numbed due to the cooling temperature. Although downtime is minimal, you may in cases experience bruising, slight redness, swelling, numbing or tightness in the area following the treatment. This is perfectly normal, yet if you have any concerns as to the duration of these after-effects, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic.

How long will it take to see the results?

If following the advised nutritional and exercise advice, clients generally see slight results within 2 weeks of treatments. However, the full effects of cryolipolysis are mostly experienced approximately 4 to 6 weeks after your first procedure. Maintenance of a healthy lifestyle will provide continual improvements and efficacy of the treatments, which may be more evident, up to 3 months after your initial treatment.

Can Fat Cells Grow Back?

People often ask if after Cryolipolysis, does the fat grow back. This is an important question for those wondering how long does Cryolipolysis last. No, the fat will not come back. Nor will the body create more fat cells to replace those eliminated via the fat freezing treatment.

Understanding the physiology of fat cells will help you better understand why Cryolipolysis produces long-term results. The body determines the total number of fat cells it has once it reaches adulthood. This number is set, which means the body does not destroy or create more of these cells. Once Cryolipolysis or Liposuction occurs, the numbers of fat cells in certain areas are decreased significantly. No fat cells will take their place, resulting in a long-term reduction of stubborn fat.

The number of sessions that you will need depends on the size of the areas that need treating, and your responsiveness to the treatments. Many clients only require one treatment (results and expectation may vary)

We recommend that you book a free Cryolipolysis consultation at Lumina Aesthetics clinic which will allow us to analyse your situation and make a recommendation.

The telephone consultation also gives you the opportunity to answer any questions relating to fat freezing and our other fat management procedures. See you soon at Lumina Aesthetics ..


    Contact Information
    • [email protected]
    • +62 8122 8888 837
    • Jl. Dewi Sri No 88E Kelurahan Legian Kec. Kuta Selatan Bali 80361