Stretch marks are irregular lines or texture developed on the skin. Typically skin has been stretched or distended. It is a type of scarring common during or after pregnancy, sudden or extreme weight gain or loss, and rapid growth in adolescents.
The most common areas where stretch marks occur include the stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts, upper arms, and lower back.
What to notice before stretch marks appear, the skin is pink and thin. Skin may also feel irritated or itchy. They initially develop as wrinkly, raised streaks that can be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown or dark brown. The streaks fade and flatten over time.
Stretch marks can be an unavoidable part of life. On average, it’s estimated that approximately 80% of people will develop stretch marks at some point during adulthood. Despite being perfectly normal and posing no direct health risk, stretch marks can be unwelcome and unsightly, damaging your confidence.
If stretch marks are making it difficult for you to take pride in your appearance, we can help. Lumina Aesthetics Clinic uses the latest cutting-edge laser technology to improve or even eliminate the appearance of problematic stretch marks. Providing an extensive range of non-invasive treatments for all common skin complaints, we know what it means to restore confidence and self-esteem through safe, effective and affordable cosmetic treatments.
Our expert Lumina’s team have an experience in treating stretch marks with our laser stretchmarks removal treatments.
Laser Treatments for Stretch Marks
The appearance of stretch marks can be improved with laser treatments. Laser treatments remain the most effective non-surgical stretch mark treatment option.
This fractional laser delivers pulses of energy into your skin triggering cells to release all the chemicals they need to create new collagen in the area. This allows the body's natural healing process to take over which improves the overall appearance of stretch marks.
Some stretch marks may resolve quickly, with as few as 3 laser treatments, typically the process may take from 3 to 8 treatment sessions.
Stretch marks can be difficult to conceal, especially if they are located in areas where the skin is rather thin. The darkened tissue cannot be replaced by healthier growth because the cells tend to reproduce themselves perfectly. The best way to get rid of them is to treat them using a specially designed laser tool.
Fractionated CO2 laser therapy, which uses a carbon dioxide laser, is a popular treatment method because the long wavelength produced by this instrument easily targets darker tissue.
At Lumina Aesthetics Clinic, we use this treatment method on our patients who have injury scars and stretch lines on the face, neck or back.
What is Fractionated CO2 Laser Treatment?
Deeper wrinkles and stretch marks are difficult to reach with pulsed light or a laser beam that produces energy of a shorter wavelength. These treatments work better on superficial scars and non-set wrinkles.
A CO2 laser has a longer wavelength and will safely penetrate to the deeper skin layers without harming the cells of the epidermis.
Fractionated laser beams are pixilated, meaning that the beam is broken up into a multitude of thin shafts of light. Each shaft treats a small channel of tissue.
The body responds by sending nutrients to the affected area, and the adjacent skin tissue – which is unaffected – begins to reproduce itself. After several weeks, the affected skin has been replaced by healthy tissue growth.
The existing collagen in the affected area is shrunk by the light energy. Although this sounds like a bad thing, it actually stimulates collagen production.
How to Prepare for Treatment
We look closely at the stretch mark and determine its depth, as well as the density and color of the tissue. The deeper the stretch mark, the more effective the treatment will be.
Long-Lasting Results
This type of laser treatment is recommended for deep stretch marks because the treating of the tissue results in an ongoing process of skin rejuvenation. The results won’t be noticeable for two weeks or so, but the skin replacement continues for quite some time.
Is This the Treatment for You?
If you have permanent stretch marks, you may be an ideal candidate for fractionated CO2 laser treatments. This is becoming one of the most popular methods for dealing with unsightly stretch marks or set wrinkles on the face and other areas of the body.
What causes stretch marks and how can they be removed?
As the name suggests, stretch marks are caused when the skin is damaged through stretching. The most common causes of stretch marks are rapid weight gain and weight loss, though there are also various medical conditions that can increase a person’s likelihood of developing stretch marks. Particularly where underlying health issues elevate cortisol levels, stretch marks are more likely to appear.
While most people concerned with stretch marks use ointments, oils and creams to address the issue, topicals are not normally very effective. By contrast, the latest CO2 laser technology can reduce the appearance of stretch marks by as much as 60% on average. Depending on the nature and severity of the issue, this is more than enough to practically eliminate the appearance of stretch marks altogether.
How Does Laser Therapy Work For Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks have always been notoriously difficult to treat, due to the fact that most products and preparations are unable to penetrate the surface of the skin. With C02 laser therapy, concentrated beams of light are used to stimulate the production of collagen and healthy skin cells deep below the surface. In the meantime, the surface of the skin is physically toned and smoothed.
At Lumina Aesthetics Clinics we use the C02 laser treatment, a cutting edge technology which allows us to target the exact areas where new skin growth should be encouraged, to beat stretch marks.
This combined effect enables even the most extensive and problematic stretch marks to be treated quickly, efficiently and permanently. Most importantly, CO2 laser stretch marks removal is 100% non-invasive, thereby minimising side effects with little to no downtime required.
If stretch marks are making it difficult for you to take pride in your appearance, we can help. Contact a member of the team at Lumina Aesthetics Clinics anytime for more information.
How Much Does CO2 Laser Therapy Cost?
At Lumina Aesthetics Clinics, we use a dynamic pricing structure to ensure every treatment is valuable to each patient. Stretch mark removal costs differ from one patient to the next, in accordance with the severity and extent of the stretch marks, the number of sessions required and so on.
What’s more, it’s important to note that not all patients are suitable for laser skin treatments. During your initial consultation, we’ll guide you through the available options and ensure laser removal is the right choice for you.
For more information or to discuss your requirements in more detail, book your obligation-free consultation with our doctor by connecting with our patient care coordinator at Lumina Aesthetics Clinics today.
See you soon at Lumina Aesthetics ^^