
Top 4 wellness treatments that improve your quality of life

As a leading clinic in Bali, Lumina Aesthetics has a reach in areas which doesn’t cover beauty aesthetically so to speak but the overall integrated approach in beautifying, cleansing, detoxifying whilst maintaining a balanced wellness approach.

After all, without holistic healing elements involved apart from science, how does one offer an improved health and well-being. Just as people advocate consistent yoga practice – along with specific poses in particular, the same applies when it can offer a boost to the beauty and glow on our face.

We need not be born beautiful but we can acquire a beautiful approach in being supple, glowing and having flawless skin by treating ourselves inside out.  

Are you aware of the 8 dimensions of wellness?

  • Mental Wellness

Looking after your mental health, activities can include practicing gratitude, positive affirmations, mindfulness and limiting social media

  • Physical Wellness

Taking care of your body, includes proper nutrition, hydration, hygiene and exercise

  • Emotional Wellness

Managing stress, coping with difficult emotions and cultivating mindfulness are all ways to create emotional wellness

  • Intellectual Wellness

Practicing in activities that spark mental stimulation. This could include reading, taking a class, creating art or taking up a hobby.

  • Spiritual Wellness

Learning your core beliefs and values using them to guide your life decisions

  • Environmental Wellness

Creating an environment that cultivates happiness and prootes safety

  • Social Wellness

This means nurturing friendships, marriage and bonding with your kids

  • Financial Wellness

Getting your finances on order and ensuring that you have enough to cover expenses and live the lifestyle you want

Do you believe, we cannot have total wellness if we ignore any one of these dimensions. What are your thoughts?

The current pandemic COVID-19 has given us time to introspect and to think more clearly to count on things and matters which are important to us. It shows us what is paramount and is dear and clearly the intent here at Lumina Wellness Centre is to do just that. We would like to embark on topics that cover immunity boost, cleaning your gut via colon hydrotherapy, having proper sleep, good nutrition and to avoid a stressful lifestyle which can weaken your immunity and be vulnerable to sickness.

Hence the 4 core areas we will cover as follows :-


Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as colon cleansing, a colonic, or colonic irrigation is a procedure in which large amounts of water are flushed through the colon in order to support detoxification, boost energy, relieve abdominal pain and support the immune system. Here are some of the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy at Lumina Aesthetics Clinic:

  • Berikut beberapa manfaat Colon Hydrotherapy di Lumina Aesthetics Clinic:
  • Meningkatkan pencernaan
  • Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda
  • Alkali tubuh Anda
  • Meningkatkan energi dan suasana hati Anda
  • Kulit lebih bersih dan cerah
  • Membantu dalam manajemen berat badan
  • Menghidrasi tubuh


Lumina Aesthetics Wellness Spa is located in the heart of Kuta, Badung Bali. We offer luxurious healing massages, all-natural body treatments, wellness services and comprehensive aesthetics treatments.  Our Signature Massage treatment are Lymphatic & Ayurveda.

In Lymphatic massage, your body will only feel like being rubbed. Because the goal is to stimulate the lymph system in the body to work better.

Lymphatic massage can treat:

  • Interference with the lymph glands
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Frequently migraine/vertigo
  • Urinary incontinence

Beberapa manfaat yang dapat dicapai dengan pijatan Ayurveda yang konsisten (seperti yang dipromosikan) adalah kesehatan umum dan membantu mengatasi kekakuan, stres, dan ketidakseimbangan tubuh. Selain itu, ini mengurangi tekanan mental dan fisik pada otot dan pikiran Anda. Itu juga menembus jauh ke dalam tingkat sel melepaskan racun.

The Benefits of doing Lymphatic & Ayurveda Massages at Lumina Spa:

  • Decreased pain and tightness
  • Decreased stress levels
  • Increased flexibility
  • Stronger immunity
  • Promotes sleeping pattern
  • Increased overall well being


It’s not possible to completely reverse aging; it’s the process of life. However, you can slow it down and help prevent age-related diseases by living a healthy lifestyle as you get older and using treatments that help slow the physical signs of aging.

There are also cosmetic procedures that can slow down aging that people may refer to when they talk about how to reverse aging.

During pandemic we extra to put our mind to keep our healthiness and we consume supplement regularly – the reason is to boost our immune system. Here in Lumina Aesthetics we provide bespoke of IV Therapy to help you achieve the highest level of wellness,


Our bespoke detoxification treatments cover Infrared Sauna Therapy & Halotherapy (aka Salt Room Therapy).

The hotter temperature felt during Infrared sauna treatment helps lower blood pressure and increase blood circulation. It gets your heart to beat faster, raises your metabolism a little bit, and burns calories. When you sweat, toxins are released through the skin.

The Benefits :

  • Detoksifikasi dan Relaksasi
  • Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan Menurunkan tekanan darah
  • Anti-penuaan dan pemurnian kulit
  • Penurunan berat badan
  • Penyembuhan luka dan penghilang rasa sakit

Efek menenangkan dan detoksifikasi dari Terapi Garam dapat mendukung sistem kekebalan, saraf, dan limfatik. Manfaat tambahannya adalah berkurangnya stres dan sakit kepala, peningkatan energi, dan pola tidur yang lebih baik. Ion garam memurnikan udara dan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas paru-paru serta mengurangi penyakit fisik bagi orang dewasa, anak-anak, dan atlet. Perawatan dianjurkan untuk membantu menjaga kesehatan tubuh selama musim flu atau alergi.

Here is the most common conditions treatable with salt therapy :

  • Asma pada anak-anak dan orang dewasa
  • Infeksi telinga, Otitis Media Akut (OMA)
  • Alergi (terutama Rhinitis atau Hay Fever)
  • Bronkitis Akut atau Kronis (Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronis (PPOK)
  • Gejala Pilek dan Flu
  • Fibrosis kistik
  • Dermatitis (termasuk Dermatitis Kontak, Eksim, dan Psoriasis)
  • Empisema
  • Radang dlm selaput lendir

We strongly believe there is a direct correlation between a strong immune system, sound health and beauty which are all inadvertently complementary to each other. Only till you're healthy from the inner side, you can't reflect true beauty. Hence, our concept of a fully integrated approach using ayurvedic principles to advocate holistic health is deeply entrenched in our clinic program and is integral in bringing the best to our clients which we believe will offer numerous benefits which we have experienced first hand. Our goals brings the whole procedure and concept into Lumina Aesthetics to improve quality of Life.


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    Informasi Kontak
    • [email protected]
    • +62 8122 8888 837
    • Jl. Dewi Sri No 88E Kelurahan Legian Kec. Kuta Selatan Bali 80361