
Testosterone Replacement Therapy – Lumina Men’s Clinic

Testosteron adalah hormon alami yang bertanggung jawab untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan normal organ pria tertentu dan untuk pemeliharaan sifat maskulin lainnya. Pada pria, testosteron diproduksi di testis (kelenjar reproduksi yang juga menghasilkan sperma) dan diatur oleh hipotalamus dan kelenjar hipofisis. Dengan kadar testosteron yang rendah, pria dapat mengalami penurunan energi dan libido, peningkatan lemak tubuh, serta perubahan emosi.

How Does Low Testosterone Affect Men? -- A decrease in testosterone levels is to be expected as men age. Other factors can also contribute to low T, including chronic health issues such as diabetes or obesity, medications such as corticosteroids or trauma. Our comprehensive health assessment tests for low testosterone levels as well as a multitude of other related issues and can be treated with customized, testosterone replacement therapy treatment plans.

How Common Is Low Testosterone? -- It’s hard to pin down an exact number for exactly how common testosterone deficiency is among men. The condition becomes drastically more common as men age, and it’s estimated that as many as 40% of older men have low testosterone.

Many men, especially younger men, are nervous to seek treatment for low testosterone. While symptoms differ from person to person, men with low testosterone also experience a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, and heart disease.  Waiting to seek help can lead to the late detection and worsening of these progressive conditions.

Here are the signs and symptoms of Low Testosterone …

  • Fatigue

Low testosterone can result in a lack of energy. If you find that you’re feeling sleepy for much of the day, even after you’ve had a good night of rest, there’s a high chance that a hormonal imbalance is to blame. Many patients find that their energy levels soar after they begin testosterone therapy.

  • Weight gain, particularly around the belly

Testosterone encourages muscle growth. When men do not have enough testosterone, it can inhibit muscle growth. Muscle tissue burns calories at a higher rate than fat tissue. When men have low testosterone, it can result in fat gain, and for most men, that gain happens around the belly and hips. Sometimes, the imbalance of testosterone and estrogen can cause men to hold onto more body fat than they would otherwise.

  • Loss of mental clarity and difficulty concentrating

Studies have shown that men who take testosterone tend to experience an increase in memory. Testosterone affects many physical processes in the body, and focus, clarity, and memory are no exception. Life issues caused by low testosterone- such as stress and relationship issues- can also play a role in the struggle to focus.

  • Loss of libido

While most men experience a decrease in interest and libido as they age, low testosterone causes a steeper drop-off than what is normal for most men. testosterone can cause a variety of health issues (such as hair loss and erectile dysfunction) that may also inhibit certain desires.

  • Depression, irritability, or anxiety

Low testosterone can result in a number of mood changes. Hormonal imbalances are often to blame for depression, anxiety, and other mood issues. Fatigue caused by low testosterone can also add to these issues.

  • Loss of muscle mass

Since testosterone is key for building muscle in the body, low testosterone can cause loss of muscle mass. This loss of mass can also add to fat gain, as previously mentioned.

  • Increased hair loss

Some men begin to lose hair as they age, and low testosterone can also play a role, especially if the balding occurs suddenly.

How Treatment Works for Testosterone

By knowing your testosterone numbers, our doctors  can provide quality treatment for low Testosterone and other underlying conditions with testosterone replacement therapy. Your path to vitality happens with four steps:

  • Health Assessment

During your initial visit, one of our medical professionals will conduct a comprehensive health assessment, including a simple blood test. This test is part of a full lab panel, including your PSA, and more. All of your lab results, the responses to our health questionnaire and your medical history will be discussed with our medical provider at your next office visit.

  • Personalized Plan

Based on your health assessment, lab results and medical history, your provider will create your personalized testosterone replacement therapy treatment plan, if testosterone therapy is appropriate.

  • Treatment Regimen

Your treatment regimen is based on your personalized plan. If your numbers indicate low t, we will discuss testosterone replacement treatment options using testosterone replacement injections, which are administered by our doctor in our clinic typically every seven to 10 days.

  • Optimization and Prevention

Once your testosterone replacement therapy regimen is underway to address symptoms of low testosterone (or other underlying health conditions), your provider will optimize treatments to maximize your health and wellness.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Dengan mengobati gejala testosteron rendah, pasien merasa berenergi, lebih kuat, dan tidak mudah tersinggung; nikmati tidur yang lebih produktif dan kesadaran diri yang diperbarui; merasa lebih mudah berkonsentrasi dan mengingat, serta mengalami peningkatan libido.

Because Lumina Aesthetics Clinic takes a holistic approach to men’s healthcare, our medical professionals can proactively address other conditions you’re currently experiencing or could experience later on.

At Lumina Aesthetics Clinic, we focus on treating your symptoms of low testosterone levels, so you can rediscover the best version of yourself.

Conquer Low Testosterone with Testosterone Replacement Therapy

We are reinventing healthcare for men at Lumina Aesthetics Clinic by working to prevent, slow, or eliminate serious health issues. Many patients initially visit us for low testosterone that underlying conditions are causing their symptoms. We begin the path to feeling better with a comprehensive health assessment, which includes bloodwork, vitals check, medical history, and a health questionnaire. This life-changing health assessment allows our medical staff to identify underlying conditions and prepare a personalized men’s wellness plan.

Low testosterone (hypogonadism) can contribute to many common health conditions, including sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone can also cause serious symptoms such as lack of energy, chronic fatigue, low libido, depression, anxiety, loss of mental clarity, loss of muscle mass, and increased belly fat. These symptoms can disrupt your life and contribute to poor overall health. Testosterone deficiency can cause many negative health consequences, which is why we offer customized treatment solutions to fit your lifestyle. Our team finds and optimizes treatments so you feel your best.

Testosterone replacement therapy can help increase testosterone levels in your body to normal, healthy ranges. Our team diagnoses and treats low testosterone along with other health conditions. Customized treatment plans from our team at Lumina Aesthetics Clinic are customized to each patient’s specific needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Lumina men’s healthcare clinics provide treatment services such as testosterone replacement therapy, and quality care for other common conditions.


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    • [email protected]
    • +62 8122 8888 837
    • Jl. Dewi Sri No 88E Kelurahan Legian Kec. Kuta Selatan Bali 80361